Tuesday, May 27, 2008


pics of very cute dogs

zac efron

This is zac efron so hot right now

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the back view of my mask

this is going to be the colours of my mask from back on
and this is how it is going to look but it is going to be

side view of my drawing

this is the side view of my mask and i created this by using
pastels and a pencil. what i plan to do is to make it look this
on my real mask. what i mean is i want my mask t have those colours.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

my mask

this is me with my mask and i created this by using newspaper and
glue. but first we had to put the glue on then stick the newspaper
and there you have it. it is paper machse

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

baby white tiger

habbitat: they sleep in the long bamboo grass

texture: the texture would be soft, smooth and furry

colours: the colours are black, white and blue

lines: the lines go around the tiger and fish

shape: the shape is around the tiger and fish


Habbitat: sleeping inside

texture: the texture would be soft, furry and smooth

colour: the colours are light brown, dark brown and white

lines: the lines are on the outside of the cat

shape: the shape is around the cat